2020 Scholarship Recipients
Each year at SciPy, we have the opportunity to acknowledge the scholarship recipients who have contributed to our community. Because this year the conference in virtual, we would like to introduce you to our 2020 scholarship recipients here.
Sayantan Das
I am Sayantan Das, graduating in July 2020. Currently working as a researcher under CVPR Unit,ISI Kolkata working on Hyperspectral Computer Vision and Geometric Deep Learning. I previously mentored for Google Code-In 2019 in Tensorflow. Previous summer I did a research internship at Space Applications Centre, ISRO working on Machine Learning tasks.
Looking forward to presentations and ideas that help my research namely, GPU acceleration techniques and framework for Signal Processing algorithms, usage of JAX as a much wider accepted framework, etc.
Website: http://ucalyptus.github.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/ucalyptus/
LinkedIn: https://github.com/ucalyptus/
Other Links: https://www.youtube.com/SayantanTheDeadpool
Esther Oduntan
A researcher at heart with extensive experience in research and teaching at all educational levels. Looking forward to joining research institute to share my acquired knowledge to assist in creating products that matter to the community and impact the world at large.
i will like to learn and gain more experience on the use of machine learning algorithms to solve social-economic problems in data science.
Subhaditya Mukherjee
Hello! I am Subhaditya, a deep learning enthusiast, student, and artist. I focus primarily on computer vision applications and have recently started branching out even more cross-domain to fields such as astronomy and biology. I am extremely interested in Scientific computing and wish to further pursue it with respect to deep learning applications.
I hope to connect with the scientific computing community and gain insights into cutting edge technologies. It would be great if I could network and interact with the community and exchange ideas.
Website: https://subhadityamukherjee.github.io/
GitHub: https://www.github.com/SubhadityaMukherjee
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subhaditya-mukherjee-a36883100
Other Links: https://www.instagram.com/aiexistential/
Ermiyas Birihanu Belachew
My name is Ermiyas Birihanu Belachew and I am an Assistance Professor. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering and Masters in Computer Science. My recent research experience and publications cover three distinct areas Application of Machine Learning, Case-based Reasoning, Software Refactoring, Image Processing and Data mining.
i am expecting to get good knowledge on python programming and Research guide on Machine learning , Natural Language Processing and Data Science
Website: https://www.wku.edu.et/index.php/en/academics/colleges/computing-informatics/software-engineering/staff-profile?view=employee&id=258
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
Other Links: https://bahirdar.academia.edu/ermiyasbirhanu/Analytics
Chris Currin
With research experience in the fields of artificial intelligence and computational neuroscience, I explore the mysteries surrounding how we think and how to make machines learn.
SciPy2020 is a fantastic opportunity to meet with so many people across the world, across disciplines, and intersecting at the cutting edge of scientific programming.
Website: https://chriscurrin.com
GitHub: https://www.github.com/chriscurrin
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christophercurrin/
Other Links: https://medium.com/@ChrisCurrin
My name is TCHAMBOU TCHOUONGSI Landry, I am a research student at the University of Yaoundé 1 in cameroon. I am not yet enrolled on a PHD program. My study is a question of estimating the spatio-temporal trends of precipitation and looking for the relationships between the dynamics of atmospheric parameters and precipitation.
I hope to learn how to program in the area of climate variability at the conference.
GitHub: https://github.com/tchambou/landry.github.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
Gajendra Deshpande
I have delivered talks at SciPy India, PyCon FR, PyCon HK and JuliaCon. I use Python extensively for teaching and research. My major work includes using Python to develop prototypes in the field of Cyber Security. I lead PyData Belagavi and OWASP Belagavi chapters. I love to mentor students and volunteer at Free and Open Source events.
I hope to learn recent developments in Python and incorporate in my work. I would also like to connect with people for collaborative work.
Website: https://gcdeshpande.github.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/gcdeshpande
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gajendradeshpande
Other Links: https://twitter.com/gcdeshpande
Shubham Sharma
Hi!! I am Shubham Sharma and I am working as a Senior Remote Sensing Scientist at Geospoc, Bengaluru, India. I have been utilizing Python for Remote Sensing Imagery for more than three years and the journey with Python has been exhilarating. I got a great opportunity to explore the scientific aspects through Python.
II am really geared up for some of the great talks in the areas of Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Earth,Ocean,Geo and Atmospheric Science and Machine Learning and learn to implement the content discussed.
GitHub: https://github.com/shubhamsharma1609
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/shubham-sharma-54685780
Other Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yon0aJ4GBFA
Amber Nadeem
Recently I have conducted some a research on improving the Longest Common sub-sequence Algorithm using parallel computing. Also, worked in collaboration with IBM Pakistan at Allied Bank Limited to develop some data science models which include fraud detection, churn prediction and cash optimization.
I hope to find some research related loop holes and wish to work on them in collaboration of any of the speakers if possible.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-nadeem-b993b8180/
Tetsuo Koyama
FEM library getfem commiter & Japanese translator of mayavi document.
CAE Engineer ARK Information Systems, INC.
I'm interested in visualization. I'm using vtk at work.
Website: https://qiita.com/tkoyama010
GitHub: https://github.com/tkoyama010
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tetsuo-koyama-022540190
Zac Hatfield Dodds
I'm a PhD candidate at the Australian National University, working on ways to help people build trustworthy software.
I'm also a maintainer of pytest and Hypothesis - testing libraries both used by Astropy, Numpy, Pandas, Xarray, and many more - and contribute to a wide range of open source projects.
What tutorials or tools would help scientists adopt property-based testing?
If you've ever tried it I'd love to hear how that went; if you haven't I'd love to help you get started and then talk!
GitHub: https://github.com/Zac-HD/
Eshin Jolly
I'm a postdoctoral fellow at Dartmouth College where I also received my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience. I use and build computational methods and tools in conjunction with fMRI to study social cognition and how people make sense of their social worlds.
I'm looking forward to learning about new new python tools as well as the keynotes. Since this is my first Scipy, I'm pretty much excited to check out and learn as much as I can.
Website: https://eshinjolly.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/ejolly
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eshin-jolly-phd-164863a1/
Shreyas Bapat
I am a final year undergraduate at IIT Mandi. I maintain a python package for general relativity and gravitational physics called EinsteinPy. I work in a Cloud Computing Company for making ends meet.
I hope to learn about the advances in Scientific computing. And how python has contributed to it.
GitHub: https://github.com/shreyasbapat
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/shreyasbapat
Other Links: https://blog.shreyasb.dev
Scott Sievert
I am a machine learning UW–Madison PhD student nearing graduation. I study methods to require fewer human labels to obtain a model, and methods to accelerate distributed machine learning.
New tools/libraries, and best practices around those tools/libraries.
In the past, I have found that personal conversations at this conference are very useful.
Website: https://stsievert.com
GitHub: https://github.com/stsievert
Kadambari Devarajan
I am an engineer-turned-ecologist and 2020 National Geographic Explorer. As a data geek, I am interested in the application of quantitative tools to visualize and analyze ecological data. As a mud-on-boots field biologist, I like collecting my own data.
I hope to learn about recent research in data science and GIS through the workshops and talks. I look forward to catching up with friends in the community. The lightning talks are always awesome!
Website: http://kadambarid.in/
GitHub: https://github.com/kadambarid
Other Links: https://twitter.com/kadambarid
Max Grover
I am a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign interested in weather data science. I interned at Unidata last summer and have since added data parsing tools which help read meteorological data formats. I enjoy how welcoming the Python community is, especially through my interaction at the AMS Python Symposium.
I hope to learn how to contribute to various libraries and how to improve the quality of the code I write. I also look forward to hearing a broader perspective of how other scientists use Python.
Website: https://mgrover1.github.io
GitHub: https://www.github.com/mgrover1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgroverwx/
Other Links: https://twitter.com/mgroverwx
Salomon Kabongo KABENAMUALU
My name is Salomon Kabongo KABENAMUALU, originally from D. R. Congo. I’m currently a student at the African Master in Machine Intelligence (AMMI), working toward an MSc in Machine Intelligence as sponsored by Facebook and Google.
My current research focus is in the field of Natural Language Processing and especially Machine Translation.
I would like to meet other researcher in the community and learn how Scipy can make my daily work more easy.
Website: https://skabongo.github.io